The city breathes

We walk in a world
muffled with blue-white
snow piled high. A single
shadowy path guides us.

Our boots crunch, blunted
echoes in the distance —
a car horn, shovel,
train crossing, dog bark —

the light of smudged stars
tap through a black,
hazy sky, asking permission
to appear and speak.

The city takes in one
deep, filling breath
and lets out one
long, gentle sigh.

And in that respite
from its patient labor,
it unfolds before us
its whispered truths.

A response to today’s dVerse prompt City Songs for Poetics, Post you poem and join the conversation.

19 responses to “The city breathes”

    • I do often think of the city as a separate creature. It seems to have a life that is totally indpendent of all of us coming and going. Thanks so much for reading so thoughtfully.


  1. This is so peaceful–the kind of city where I want to walk, live. We have that snow on its way now thanks to the West Coast “Pineapple Express.” The winds are really kicking up and everyone is holding their breath. I really like that shadowy path image.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ah, yes. the truth is often whispered into the quiet – in the breath of the streets and the pinpoint brightness of the stars. You give voice to that truth in a beautiful poem


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